Maui church of Christ

Church Bldg. 1-808-481-8800
810 Waiehu Beach Rd.
Wailuku, HI. 96793


Service times as of 2-6-25
Sunday am Worship: 10:30am
Wed. evening service devo. is at 6:30pm
(Sunday morning childrens class's from 10:30am to end of worship service's are available)

News:  The Maui church has appointed elders recently
The newly appointed men are: Ronnie Clark, Steve Annis

For Directions, Times, Maps to find Bldg, etc......Click Here

The Maui church has a FaceBook page,  "Just search for Maui church of Christ"  have your friends check it out too.

Latest Wailuku, Hawaii, weather conditions and forecast

Click Here to see what our Email Address is:

added 5/26/06What To Expect When You Visit the Maui church of Christ

Bible Tracts by the late Clare Annis Added 9/3/12

Scriptures For Personal Bible Study

Escrituras Para El Estudio Personal

Who are We? What is a church of Christ?

what do we teach about water baptism, and other questions?

Online Bible Studies

Click Here To View/Download Mauicoc flowers brought from Hana
by Malcom/Jane Hickman